Val McCray

Val McCray is one of our Recruiting Managers.  He specializes in the direct placement of Accounting Operations, Bookkeeping, Human Resources and Office professionals.  Val brings over 10 years of experience in recruiting, client relations and banking experience.

Joined InSearch – 2024

First Job – My actual first job was a paperboy in Pennsylvania. However, my first taxable job was with Kmart.

Free Time – Spending time with my kids. Usually playing basketball with the oldest or helping the youngest with her music.

Best Vacation – Disneyland.

Dream Vacation – Maldives

Best Career Advice – “Nobody, on their death bed, says ‘I wish I would have been in the office more’”

One thing people would be surprised to know – I do a lot of volunteer work (Ronald McDonald House, ReConnect, Habitat, etc)

Random Thing About Me – I used to write rap music for local artists

Favorite Food – Sushi (has to be Blue Sushi)

Food I Hate – Liver & Onions

Pet Peeve – People who suck their teeth between sentences

Favorite TV show- Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Favorite Hobby – Photography

Favorite Book – Art of War

Best Movie Quote – “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get”